HeroesRP Wiki
Ability Swapping

Swapping around abilities can appear as coloured lights
Ability to:
swap around the abilities of others

Ability swapping is the ability to swap around the abilities of two individuals.



Tori Petrelli[]

This ability can be used to swap the abilities of two individuals. It will not be necessary for Tori to know what the two abilities being swapped are, but the knowledge will make the process easier, and obviously the information will guide her in knowing whether or not the swap would be beneficial. The two individuals must both have abilities. It will not work if only one of them does. Time will have no effect on the swap, meaning that an exchange could be done even if one of the individuals is dead in the present, or not yet born, but Tori will need to be near at least one of the people whose abilities she is swapping. If both are present, the abilities will show as coloured lights. Otherwise, there will be no visible effect. The ability could also be used to reverse the swap, and Tori could use it to swap any of her other two abilities with another person.

Brea Parkman[]

Brea will be capable of swapping people's abilities. She will not need physical contact to do so, but she will need to be near at least one of the individuals affected, and she will find it easier if they are all present. However, she could also swap the abilities of individuals in different time periods. Brea will be able to choose whether she swaps one set of abilities or every ability the people possess. When she does the latter, the exchange will be limited to the minimum number of manifested abilities involved. She could also swap large groups of people's abilities, but then she could struggle to control who exchanges which abilities, and as a result she will normally limit herself to using the ability on pairs. The swapped abilities will be visible as different coloured lights.

Similar Abilities[]
