HeroesRP Wiki
Jolt Inducing

Inducing tremors in a man
Ability to:
cause others to experience jolts and spasms

Jolt inducing is the ability to induce jolts, spasms and tremors in other people.


  • Axel Accera-Gray will have this ability naturally.
  • Rory Francis has gained this ability synthetically from the formula.
  • Liam Cooper has this ability naturally.


This ability can be used to induce various levels of jolting, from simply twitching and jerking, to tossing and turning and being unable to rest, or even fits resembling epilepsy or Tourette's Syndrome. It can be used to cause enemies to exaggerate their attempted movements, and can also make it impossible for a person to be held down or restrained. Rory was shown using it to break himself free when he was being held captive using arthrokinesis. However, when he used the ability on Alex Treharne, Alex used his own ability to regain control of his limbs.

Similar Abilities[]
